White racism teaches that whites are superior and blacks are inferior. Christian racists also believe that God created the races and that he intends for the races to remain separate and pure. Whites, obviously, should be the superior and pure race.
Strangely, however, this superior, pure race had a problem with lust. The white male seduced and raped the black female during slavery; he had a part in producing a mixed offspring. What to do? Should he claim this offspring as white? It was half white. No, he turned his back on his own superior genes and declared that any person who had mixed genes was black. With this decision, the white male ended up multiplying the number of despised, inferior blacks. Did the white male outsmart himself? Not if he wanted more slave labor.
But slavery is gone. Maybe white racists should now reverse their logic. Instead of saying that any person with even as little as 1/32 black genes and 31/32 white genes is black, possibly whites should now claim their superior genes as their own. Should not all persons with any white genes, even if only 1/32 white and 31/32 black genes, be claimed as white persons? If white genes are really superior, they cannot be ruined by inferior black genes, can they?
According to one scholar's estimate, if whites claimed all white genes as their own, the black race could be reduced by approximately 75 percent overnight. What a coup! Eliminate three-quarters of the inferior black race in one fell swoop!!
Why not finish the job in one or two generations? Whites should wage an aggressive program of interracial marriage. Soon the entire black gene pool would be infiltrated by superior white genes. By claiming all the offspring as white, soon the inferior black race would be wiped off the map of these glorious United States of America. By the way, I understand this is what the Mexicans did to their black population. Are Mexicans smarter than white Americans?
If we superior whites do not do the above, then we have problems, serious problems. We still have inferior blacks in our midst. What are we going to do with them? Support them on welfare now that slavery is abolished?
Superior whites are genuises at inventions; how about inventing the self-fulfilling prophecy to explain away our problems?
Let's begin by teaching everyone---blacks and whites---that blacks are inferior. By this we mean that they are not as smart as whites. This would be our unchallenged assumption.
If this is true, white society should not spend much time and money educating blacks. It would be a waste of valuable resources. So give blacks used, out-of-date textbooks, etc.
Then we can compare the results of the two school systems. It will be obvious to all that whites are smarter than blacks.
Since this is a scientific age, why not hire scientists to prove our points. Have some white psychologists invent an intelligence test. Give the same test to both blacks and whites, or should I say whites and blacks. The results are predestined; since blacks have received an inferior education, they will not do as well on the intelligence test. Now we will have iron-clad, scientific evidence to prove our point.
Since blacks will have an inferior education, they will not be able to compete for jobs on an equal basis with whites. So why not hire a sociologist to study the unemployment rate. She should find evidence that blacks are lazier than whites. If black males can't find jobs, they won't be able to support their families and divorces should increase. A doubled divorce rate would prove that inferior blacks are less stable, more immoral than whites. Again inferiority would by supported by scientific evidence. Hooray for science!
But there are some people who only believe the Bible. Can we find some evidence in the Bible that at hints at the inferiority of blacks? Religious proof would be the final proof; no one can argue with God. How about "Be not unequally yoked together?" This must mean that interracial marriage is forbidden. God apparently wants the races to remain separate and pure, probably because blacks are inferior. What we believed to be true, really is true, biblically true, after all!! What a relief to be absolutely certain!
What!? You say we still have a problem? Blacks are multiplying faster than whites! And if all mixed offspring are included as blacks, that increases the black population even faster. Some day, in the future, there will be more blacks than whites in these glorious United States. God forbid! We must protect our future white generations from the horrible fate. Wow! No matter which way we turn, we superior whites seem to have painted ourselves into a corner. Is there any clear cut solution to this problem? Where are you when we need you, Solomon?
"Superior Whites?" Well, I don't know about that. One of my 700 wives was black, coal black. A gift from the Queen of Sheba. What a doll!! And was she intelligent! She taught me all I ever knew.
Pure white? Are there very many left? I understand that a lot of my black friends have already passed as whites so they are spreading their black genes among whites. And whites don't even know about it. What about those thousands of Indian-white marriages? One of my best friends married a gal who was half Indian; they had four children who are one-quarter Indian; now there are 7 grandchildren. Do you see how fast the pure white race can be contaminated?
Then there are many Mexican-white marriages; many Japanese-white marriages; many Jewish-white marriages. By the way, are the Jews a race? I sure hope so; I would hate to be without a race.
One day two women brought their children to me and each asked, "Is my child black or white?" One woman was black and had married a white man; the other woman was white and had married a black man.
At first, I was stumped. I was just about to admit, for the first time in my life, that I didn't have an answer. I had thought about some smart alec answer like "Blite" or Whack," but then all of a sudden I realized dumb questions should not be honored with answers, so I said to these two unnecessarily troubled women, "Go your way---your babies are fully human. That's all you need to know."
White biblical archeologist proves that Jesus was black!
He said, "A true white must be pure white. Anyone with any amount, even small, of black genes in his ancestry must be black." The evidence:
1. Moses married a black woman, an Ethiopian. This proves that some black genes entered the Jewish gene pool.
2. There were blacks in ancient Egypt where the Jews lived for over 400 years.
3. There was much movement of people back and forth through the Palestine area over the centuries.
4. Jews intermarried with other peoples.
5. Present day people from the eastern Mediterranean have a brownish cast to their skins.
6. Therefore, Jesus was a black man.
Conclusion: A black man died to save white racists from their skins (oops!) sins.
Satire has ended; now some commentary
The concept of race is stupid and erroneous, biblically, biologically and sociologically; the practice of racism is frightening real, damaging and devastating.
Several historians have done a fine job of tracing the complex history of racism: Reginald Horsman, Race and Manifest Destiny; Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror; Bennett, Before the Mayflower; Richard Hughes, Myths America Lives By.
I would like to end with a reference to a book reviewed by historian Edward Blum in the December 28, 2010 issue of Christian Century---The History of White People by Nell Irvin Painter. Blum writes:
"It is within this history of white slavery that Painter finds the first claims of the supremacy of whiteness---in the sex trade. Enslaved eastern European women became symbols of beauty. . . . The profound irony of the emergence of whiteness is that it was packaged in the beauty of a slave." Blum is lavish in his praise of The History of White People. This is significant because Blum himself is an expert in the area, especially from the Civil War until 1900. See his book Reforging the White Republic. I also highly recommend his interpretation of Bu Bois---W.E.B. Du Bois: American Prophet. Most writers on Du Bois regard him as a secular prophet highly critical of Christianity. Blum, however, treats Du Bois as a deeply. though unorthodox, spiritual prophet, exposing the injustice and oppression hidden within Americanized Christianity. If social justice, liberating justice, Jubilee justice, kingdom justice, an Amos 5:24 justice "I want justice---ocean of it." is a biblical issue, required of biblical spirituality, then Du Bois is more spiritual than Jonathan Edwards and A.W. Tozer.
Next, Blum's negative statement about The History of White People:
"In one arena, Painter's account is too shallow. She never looks into the soul of whiteness---into its connections with religion or its links to the sacred. . . . Du Bois saw the depth of whiteness in its proponents' attempt to make it a religious value. . . . Richard Wright: 'The apex of white racial ideology was reached when it was assumed that white domination was a God-given right.' . . . .
"The link between whiteness and morality is an important one. It may explain the tenacity with which whiteness has remained an arbiter of all that is good and right. Painter wonders why Americans hold onto the 'superstition' of whiteness. Perhaps the history of links between whiteness and godliness is a key to solving that puzzle."
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