Lowell Noble's Favorite Quotations:
Jesus: "The Spirit has anointed me [and the church] . . . to release the oppressed."
The Pledge: " . . . with liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL."
Billy Graham: "I have come to see in deeper ways the implications of my faith. I can no longer proclaim the Cross and the Resurrection without proclaiming the whole message of the Kingdom of God which is JUSTICE FOR ALL."
The Reformed Church: "Justice is broken."
Thomas Hanks: "Oppression smashes the body and crushes the spirit."
Mississippian Lee Harper: "For injustice ran deep and cloaked itself well among those things that appeared just [the church]."
Martin Luther King: "In 1963 I talked to the nation about a Dream I had. . . . [In 1967] I saw that Dream turn into a Nightmare. . . . Black brothers and sisters on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of [white] prosperity."
Orlando Patterson: "The simple, sad truth is that Afro-Americans are today the loneliest of all Americans---lonely and isolated as [an ethnic] group; lonely and isolated in their [segregated] neighborhoods; lonely as households headed by women sick and tired of being 'the strong black woman'; lonely as single men fearful of commitment; lonely as single women wary of a 'love and trouble' tradition that has always been more trouble than love."
Mississippian John Perkins: "How do we restore and practice justice in a society bent on injustice?" in both the South and North.
Martin Luther King: "I think you've got to have a reconstruction of the entire society, a revolution of values."
Haitian Jean Thomas: "I am at home with the poor."
John Perkins, about the poor: "Affirm their dignity, and release their own creativity."
Graham Cray: "The agenda of the kingdom of God is justice; the dynamic is the Holy Spirit."
Multi-billionarie Warren Buffet: "There is class warfare, all right, but it is my class, the rich, that's making war and winning [and the poor are losing]."
Haitian Jean Thomas: "God established the Jubilee---when all debts are forgiven, slavery is abolished, and properties are restored---to ensure that no one in his kingdom would be poor forever."
Matthew 6:33 NEB: "Set your mind on God's kingdom and his justice above everything else."
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