Eliminate American symbols of slavery?
It is a good thing that the National Cathedral, the state of South Carolina, and the city of New Orleans are getting rid of some symbols of slavery such as the Confederate flag and statues of Confederate leaders. Now the $64,000 question is: How far should we go with this effort to get rid of one of America's worst social evils---generations of ruthless slavery? Should we eliminate Northern symbols of slavery/oppression as well?
Ten U.S. presidents owned slaves. Should all their symbols and statues be eliminated? Should northerners who were slave traders be included?
The primary cause of the Civil War was the evil institution of slavery. The South---the Confederacy---desperately wanted to preserve slavery which had generated enormous wealth for the South. Cotton was to the southern economy what oil was to the American economy in the next century. The elimination of slavery would have generated an economic depression.
Since slavery was THE issue, should ALL symbols related to slaveowners be removed including General Grant's who was a slaveholder? George and Martha Washington were filthy rich people who owned together around 300 slaves. Should the Washington Memorial be sold to the Russians? Thomas Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves. Should America give the Jefferson Memorial China?
What should we do with the White House and the Capitol Building? Both were built using some slave labor.
Most of the slave trade was conducted by northerners, New Englanders. And it was done under the Stars and Stripes, not the Confederate flag. Should the Stars and Stripes be removed? Suggestion: before you answer, read Inheriting the [Slave] Trade.
This American marriage of the demonic and the divine is beautifully and gracefully symbolized by both the Washington Monument and the St. Louis Arch.
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