Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Miscellaneous on Oppression and Justice

Which of the following statements are true and which are false?

  1. One out of every three black males, born today, can expect to go to prison in his lifetime.
  2. One out of every three black boys will go to college.
  3. Three out of four black men don't do drugs.
  4. Seven out of eight aren't teenage fathers.
  5. Eleven out of twelve won't drop out of high school.
  6. Five out of nine have a job.
According to the NAACP all of these statements are true.  

This is Lowell Noble's summary of the book of James, chapter two:

"Spirituality without justice is not only dead; it is socially dangerous because it is blind to, or tolerates, or actively participates in the oppression of the poor.  Spirituality without justice does not fulfill the scriptural requirement for the church to release the oppressed.   Why?  Because the church favors the rich.  Spirituality without justice is evil, sinful, and dangerous; it neglects both justice and the love of God."

The following is a quote from For God So Love the Third World, by Thomas Hanks:
"Translation of the noun thlipsis.  The most authoritative Greek lexicons give oppression as the first meaning.  However, our common English translations never translated by oppression; instead they use softer, more ambiguous terms such as affliction, tribulation, difficulty, suffering.  These weaker translations ignore the social economic nuances in thlipsis."

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