There are two widely misinterpreted, misunderstood Bible verses regarding the poor:
1. "You will always have the poor with you, in your midst, in your community." This is an unfortunate fact of life that you cannot change. The poor deserve your love and charity, but since most poor are lazy or ethnically inferior there is not much that can be done to change things.
2. "Blessed are the poor" . The poor are God's favorites; he will take care of them, now or in eternity.
But "Blessed are the poor" is only a meaningless pious platitude if the church ignores, fails to preach and practice, the following related Bible verses.
God asserts that the poor are at the center of his kingdom, that the church should give high priority to ministering among the oppressed poor. The church should specialize in the following ministries:
1. Exposing the rich oppressor and certainly not honoring the rich in church. See James two. Also Luke 1:53; 3:10-14; 6:24; 8:14; 12:13-34; 16:13-31; 18:18-30; 19:1-10; 19:45-47. There are far more Bible verses on the dangers and deceit of riches, wealth, possessions, than on demon possession.
2. Releasing the oppressed, see Isaiah 58:6ff and Luke 4:18-19.
3. Loving poor, ethnic neighbors as much as God. See Luke 10.
4. Incarnating the kingdom of God as justice, Jubilee justice. See Matthew 6:33 (NEB). Also Isaiah's six Messianic passages which highlight justice.
Then and only then are the poor blessed; from pious platitude to actual reality.
Lowell Noble
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