Thursday, September 21, 2017

Nuclear War?

Who is most likely to use nuclear weapons first?  A Korean dictator or an American president?  Contrary to popular opinion, I vote for a U.S. President.  Why?  Because our president would declare it a righteous use as Truman did in World War II against Japan.  Most Americans felt this human horror was, though regrettable, legitimate and necessary.  Is there ever a righteous use of nuclear weapons?  Yes.

Yes, in the same sense, that there was a righteous use of Indian genocide, a righteous use of the slave trade, a righteous use of slavery.  Genocide was declared righteous because it prepared the way for the westward expansion of superior Anglo-Saxon civilization.  The righteous rationalization for the slave trade was that it promoted economic growth in New England; DeWolf said it was all about "Money, money, money, money." Slavery was good because it took Africans out of savagery which was worse than slavery.

Americans, and especially white evangelicals, can righteously rationalize any type of social evil because we have no biblical theology of oppression, no NT theology of justice.


From the August 30, 2017 of Christian Century:

"Woe to the Rich:  There was once an assumption that wealth was not good for the wealthy. . . . wealth harms character and warps the soul.  More recently, a host of behavioral science studies indicate that wealth is bad for a person.  When it comes to vices [does this include presidential lies?], the wealthy are the worst: they evade taxes more than others and give proportionately less to charity.  The stigma against wealth has faded, but 'it's time to put the apologists for plutocracy back on the defensive, where they belong.'"  Washington Post, July 28.

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