Monday, September 25, 2017

Will RICH Triumph Over RIGHT?

A huge battle in the NFL.  The owners are rich; the coaches are rich; the players are rich.  So how deep, how long-lasting will the protests be?  Will the pursuit of riches dominate the pursuit of justice?  Will the protests be a passing fancy?  Or will the NFL's abundant riches be devoted to the REPAIR of the damage caused by centuries of oppression?  Six NFL owners donated a million dollars each to Trump.  Biblical restitution standards require a four-fold response; will each of these owners donate four million each to a racial justice cause?

The NFL and the NBA could become the vanguard of a new civil/human/economic justice movement that releases the oppressed poor.

A suggestion for sports teams of all kinds:  open the first half with the national anthem; open the second half with a justice anthem.  Respect the flag and stand for justice.  Some suggested verses for the justice anthem:

1.  Amazing justice, how sweet the sound
        to the ears of the oppressed;
     When floods of justice cleanse the land,
        then lives be truly blessed.

2.  No justice, peace without release---
        release of the oppressed;
     Let justice like great waters roll
        that all God's grace may see.

3.  From oppressed to blessed,
        love and justice combine;
     To create, shalom sublime.

4.  Amazing grace, please lead me on
        to see where I am wrong;
     Turn my steps, heart and voice
        to sing the justice song.

What happens off the field in oppressed communities is far more the crucial component than what happens in protest on the field.  Will rich owners, coaches and players unite in generously funding organizations such as Habitat for Humanity,  Christian Community Development Association, Salvation Army, etc.?  Opening a pocketbook is better than bending a knee.

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