Monday, August 20, 2018

Are white racists stupid, not superior?

Did God create whites with a few extra stupid genes?  Whites DESCRIBE blacks as inferior, yet  DEFINE blacks in such a way as to multiply their numbers by millions.  Why not proclaim all superior white genes as their own and multiply the number of superior whites by millions?

Is it really true that only a few drops of black blood could counter 99 percent white genes and make one black?  Are black genes that strong and white genes that weak?

Are whites obsessed with race?  I once taught a class titled,  Racial and Cultural Minorities.  One of my students insisted that Jews were a race; after all, everyone had to have a race--even though a visiting Rabbi insisted that Jews, as a people, were a culture, a religion, not a racial group.

Does this white stupidity lead to an irrational white fear of blacks?  To separation, to segregation, even segregated churches?

Eccl 10:2: "Stupid thinking leads to wrong living."

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