Monday, August 20, 2018

Aretha Franklin

Aretha Franklin's life and musical ministry was anchored in her black church base so her musical ministry must be interpreted in this light.  Even her title, The Queen of Soul, must be understood from the black church tradition.

Soul has two components: agony from oppression and the healing from trauma.  Black women were doubly oppressed by racism and sexism.  Healing from trauma was captured in her two famous ethical anthems: "Natural Woman" & "Respect".

Franklin, herself, experienced both racism and sexism.  She had the courage, musical skills, and the intelligence to forthrightly express these issues in her songs.

Music can heal some of the trauma, but only justice can end the oppression.

Will white Christians have the same courage and intelligence to repent, restitute, and repair (do justice)?  White Christians could do justice that would end oppression, but so far, white privilege has been more important than ending oppression.

President Obama's tribute to Franklin is the most eloquent and insightful I have read.

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