Friday, August 4, 2017

Review of The Market as God

The Market as God by Harvey Cox is reviewed in the July 19 issue of Christian Century.

Following Pope Francis, Cox talks about "the return of Golden Calf idolatry to our world today, in the form of the worship of money and the deification of the market."  "American society is fully encompassed in the market and every individual's life depends on the market."

For me, the Market in America plays the same idolatrous role as the Holy Temple played in Jesus' time.

Though the market and the economy are thought of as secular, Cox argues that the Market's influence and impact is so large and comprehensive that is has an evil function.  The rich rig the Market in their favor.

"Health care in the United States is a for-profit industry, like petroleum speculation or automobile manufacture.  It's a few people making a lot of money off of sick people, and after so many years of this being the status quo, they have the political system wired to keep it that way."  William Pitt

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