Friday, August 18, 2017

Tough Ethical Questions for Christian American Historians to Ponder

Tough ethical questions for Christian American historians to Ponder.

1.  Should the Emancipation Proclamation have been issued at the same time as the Declaration of Independence?

2.  If Confederate flags and monuments should go, should all flags and monuments that are in any way connected to the slave trade and slavery be torn down as well?

3.  Most of the slave trade was conducted by northerners, not southerners, under the Stars and Stripes (or its precursor), not the Confederate flag, so should the Stars and Stripes go as well?

4.  Should the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial be torn down?  Both Washington and Jefferson owned slaves and promoted white superiority, Anglo-Saxon superiority.  White privilege goes way back at least as far as the founding fathers.

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