Monday, August 14, 2017

Woe to the Rich, the Pharisees, and the White Supremacists

Woe to the rich, the Pharisees, and the superior whites!

Jesus was quite specific when he spoke about social evils, social oppression.  In his day, the rich were the bad guys who oppressed the poor, the self-righteous Pharisees who exploited widows, the corrupt priests who ran the Temple as a den of robbers.

Trump, when he condemned the violence in Virginia, did not identify the bad guys---white nationalists, white supremacists, the radical domestic terrorists.  He could not, would not because he himself was one of them and was politically supported by them.

Trump, if were ethically honest, should have started his statement by saying, "I, in my campaign, appealed to white nationalists thereby giving them legitimacy.  I confess, I repent, I will stop endorsing evil.  I will fire all white supremacists on my staff.  After that, I will fire myself."

Of course, we all excel in confessing the sins of others, but not our own.  Self-righteous conservatives are experts at identifying the sins of liberals, and vice-versa.  This pattern goes way back to our founding fathers, the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  They excelled at pointing out the tyranny of the British while hypocritically ignoring their own enormous tyranny---Indian genocide and black slavery.  Many of the signers demanding their own freedom were, at the same time, denying freedom to their slaves. Hypocrisy of hypocrisy!!

Today self-righteous northerners are pointing out the Southern sin of slavery, the evils associated with the Confederate flag while convenienately ignoring the extensive Northern sin of the slave trade conducted under the Stars and Stripes.  And most abolitionists did not invite freed slaves who were immediately homeless, foodless and landless north to live next to them.  Freed slaves were still regarded as inferior beings.

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